Trentadue Blog

A Simple Guide to Wine Pairing

April 20, 2018 18:17
A Simple Guide to Wine Pairing
A SIMPLE GUIDE TO WINE PAIRING Creating the perfect wine pairings for a meal is an art! We decided to highlight a few of …

2019 Rhone River Cruise Announcement

April 13, 2018 00:00
2019 Rhone River Cruise Announcement
2019 RHONE RIVER CRUISE We are very excited to announce that we have teamed up with Food & Wine Trails to offer you an …

Bud Break Starts 2018 Harvest Excitement

April 6, 2018 00:00
Bud Break Starts 2018 Harvest Excitement
BUD BREAK STARTS 2018 HARVEST EXCITEMENT What is Bud Break?! Well, in the wine industry, it’s a pretty big deal! With w…

Sustainability March

March 30, 2018 00:00
Sustainability March
The Trentadue's were among the first to experiment with what resulted in a number of viticultural/wine industry innovation…