With the holidays upon us, you can typically find a full house at the Trentadue Estates. Between friends, family and visitors, we can always count on bringing everyone together with good food, wine and company!

No matter the season, a cheese plate with nibbles is always on the menu for entertaining, and the holiday season often brings rich, hearty meals. Choosing a wine that can hold up to these flavors (and be a crowd pleaser!) can be a challenge…unless, of course, you have a few bottles of our 2016 Trentadue Zinfandel on hand.

 Bright and lively with rich notes of dark cherry, blueberry and plums make this the perfect wine to pull out with a cheese and charcuterie board.

We’ve got your recipe for the ultimate cheese board to pair with our 2016 Trentadue Zinfandel. Order up a bottle (or a few, it’ll go quick!) and use our guide to construct the ultimate cheese board:


The Cheese

Is it just us, or does cheese really have a way of bringing people together? Opt for smooth, aged cheeses to compliment the fruit in our juicy, lively Zinfandel. These could include:


Dry Sonoma Jack




The Charcuterie 

Dry Cured Salami is a staple that plays well with Zin, as the wine is fruity without being too tannic, and will cut through just enough of that delicious fat! Easy to prep, grab a dry-aged salami from the market, remove the casing for your guest’s convenience, and pre-slice it on your board for easy snacking!


The Fruit

Our roots go back deep as farmers, so the Trentadue family puts a big emphasis on eating for the season. Fall brings an abundance of delicious seasonal fruits, so when in the grocery, reach for:

Apple Slices

Figs (add a drizzle of local Sonoma honey for extra flair)



Add a good, crusty bread warmed in the oven and drizzled with olive oil, and you have a pre-dinner appetizer that will bring everyone together. Salut!